What Is So Dang Funny Meow

So it happend.....

Ze funny Bonafide Jones tagged me in this taggy thingy ma bobby that's spreading like wildfire everywhere!

So why not? Lets do this! It'll either be entertaining, or seriously boring, so you can't say you weren't warned folks!

So these be the rules:
Rule#1: Put the rules on your blog.

Rule#2: Every person tagged should tell 11 things about themselves, answer the 11 questions asked by the one that tagged you, tag 11 other people and ask them 11 different questions.

Rule#3: Let the people whom you tagged know you've done so.

Rule#4: Don't tag anyone who's been tagged before.

Rule#5: Really do tag 11 others, don't go all ''if you want to take this tag''.

Reet, 11 things about myself:

1) I'm tri-lingual (I dunno if that's actually a word, but spell check is not telling me otherwise!).  I iz fluent in the English, I speak Urdu- not really well, but enough to get by, and I know British Sign Language (so I can diss you via sign and you wouldn't even know mwahahaha).   I have a GCSE in German, but I've forgotten most of it, and only remember nonsensical things like 'Meine keneinchen ist groB und dich' <<<there are probably all sorts of things wrong with that sentance.

2) I have a scar in my eye- not


my eye- but actually


my eyeball, my right one.  When I was 8, a faulty part of my money box (the cool ones with a little padlock and key) broke when I tried to open it to get some money (for a lion bar!! I remember that I wanted that chocolate so vividly), and so one of the little metal bits flew into my eye.  I screamed the house down and my mum called the ambulance.  I had three stitches in my eye, and the surgeon told us that the metal part was millimetres away from my retina, and if I had rubbed my eye in the wrong position, I could've lost my sight in my right eye!

3) I LOVE anime and manga.  I've seen every 'Sailor Moon' episode (the japanese with eng subs, not the crappy dubbed ones), I adore Death Note, One Piece, Dragon ball and thanks to my cousin Tee, who knows I love manga, I'm obsessed with Naruto!

4) I switched from an android (HTC Desire) to an Iphone 4s!  Sorry android gang, I sold out.  I was really apprehensive about getting an Iphone, cuz I loved my HTC so much, but the Iphone is AMAZINGGGG.  Photo Stream is genius.

5) I will graduate from the University of Leeds in the summer in Audiology (google it), if all goes well and I don't fail everything at the last minute!

6) I LOVE travelling! I hope to visit every continent at some point.  So far I've been to:

Europe: France (Paris, Calais), Spain (Barcelona), Holland (Amsterdam)

Africa: Morroco (Marrakech)

Asia: Pakistan (Jhelum, Lahore, Islamabad), Saudi Arabia (Mecca, Medina), Dubai

North America: New York (everywhere!), North Carolina (?), Florida (Orlando)

Still South America, Australasia and the Antarctic to go!

7) My favourite songs of all time are: Charmer- Kings of Leon, Crush on you- Mr Cheeks, Scarred Tissue- RHCP, Run to the Sun- N.E.R.D

8) I regularly have dreams that are in places that I've dreamt before- to the point where some of my 'dream worlds' are very very familiar, and I could probably describe them (I wont, it'll bore you). Most people I talk to say they rarely remember what they dream and think they're in diff places every time, but sometimes, I'm dreaming, and I know I've dreamt this place before.........have I lost you?!

9) I get crazy excited when I see anything yellow, and am ridiculously easy to please- I'm like a child...or a pet, actually.

10) I don't believe that the term 'soulmate' refers exclusively to your life partner.  My best friend is my soulmate, because we're just so in sync (or *nsync if you wanna be 90's boyband-ish!), and our friendship is, like, beyond friendship.  I need her to survive.....simples.

11) I determine who I define as a friend by how comfortable out silences are...I think a true friend is someone who you can comfortably sit in silence with, without having to worry about annoying small talk and superficial conversation.

1. Have you ever cheated on someone?

Nope, and I hopefully never will!

2. What do you think happens when we die?
As a Muslim, I believe that our good deed and bad deeds will be weighed up and we'll either go to heaven or hell, womp womp (pretty heavy, huh?)

3. If male, are you happy with the size of your penis? If female do you think you are pretty?
I am not a male, but I am very happy with my penis.

I don't think I'm stunning, but I'm not ugly or owt.

4. Stars. Old light or new?

Aren't stars like, billions or millions of years old and the stars we see are just the afterglow of stars that died that long ago? Yes? No? meh

5. For a million dollars would you kill another person? They aren't really that important and you will not get caught.

No, I am a terrible liar and feel incredibly guilty if I've done even the littlest thing wrong!

6. Should all religions be treated/respected equally?
I think so.  I'm a Muslim, my best friend at Uni is Sikh, I have a lot of good Christian and Hindu friends, and some of the most inspirational people I've met in my life are Jewish/Christian or Atheists.  Religion makes no difference to me when I'm making a friend.  "Let there be no compulsion in religion"(Qur'an, 2:256).  To each there own.  Don't let some ignorant fools who misrepresent faith cloud your judgement on religious people.

7. Think of something embarrassing that you did that makes you cringe every time it crosses your mind. What is it?
Good Lord, I still cringe with embarrassment when remembering this!

When I was 11, I went on this adventure weekend thing that our school organised, where you could go caving, rock climbing etc. etc.  After one of the activities, our group leader asked me if I would do this challenge, where I had to climb along this horizontally lain log that was rotating whilst singing a song.  Now when I climbed on the log, I slipped a little, and the mentor was trying to help me keep my balance, and only God knows why my bowls decided to disobey me at that moment, but I ended up farting....in his


....in front of my class mates.

Luckily a boy wet his pants when we went canoeing the next day, so my shame was short lived *sigh*

8. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? It doesn't matter whether or not they would want to see you.

My cousin who lives 2 seconds from me.  I'd want her to make me laugh, and try to make her laugh before we were all doomed!

9. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

Never be able to make new ones.  I'm one of those sad people you see laughing to themselves, as I often remember the hilarious moments my family and friends have provided me with!

10. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don't like and like so many things we don't do?

Cuz I think most people are scared to actually do what they want to do.  It's easier to conform, and play it safe, working in a job we don't particularly like, but we know brings home the bacon, as opposed to taking a risk and living life on the edge- which could potentially lead to you being broke and jobless (or jobless and broke!).

Personally I think life's to short, and try to tick off as many things on my 'to do list' as I can! (That are within my budget, mind!)

11. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, what actor do you think would be cast to play you?

Probably this guy:

Johnny Lever, one of the funniest actors in the world I reckon.

Add a bit of lipstick, and that's what I look like.

OK, Now My 11 people I'm tagging and 11 questions:

I'm aware that most people have already done this tag thing, so if i tag you again you don't really have to do it (It's not a matter of life or death or anything!)

peeps I've tagged:

  1. If you could change one thing about yourself physically, what would you change?
  2. If you had to choose one song to listen to everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  3. If a wizard randomly appeared, and offered you the gift of immortality, would you take it and why?
  4. If you could be one character from a book/comic/movie, who would you be?
  5. Red lorry or Yellow lorry?
  6. What's your favourite type of food (curry, chinese, italian etc.)
  7. Are some people born evil, or is it a learnt behaviour?
  8. Who is your hero? Why?
  9. What was your favourite subject in school?
  10. Do you think animals have consciousness like we humans do? Do they have a sense of selfhood, and are they aware of their feelings and experiences?
  11.  Do you believe in Aliens?

Look forward to seeing peoples answers!

Happy blogging xo


Source: https://ohmeowmeowoh.blogspot.com/2012/02/they-got-me-dang-nabbit.html

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